Sunday School is a foundational strategy in the local church for study of the Word of God in small group settings. The purpose is to actively engage people in the purposeful and in-depth study of God’s Word. Why is Sunday School important? This study will produce spiritual growth, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, and worship as well as foster personal evangelism.
The superintendent, teachers, and workers of the New Sunlight Baptist Church Sunday School Department invite you to become a part of the Sunday School experience and programs of study which help to enhance our spiritual growth. One class focuses on selected books of the Bible in the Old Testament. Another class focuses on selected books of the Bible in the New Testament. And yet another class walks the student through all the books of the Bible. Classes are being taught in the American Standard Studies which provide an easy to use guide for studying and understanding the Bible. There are adult classes, youth classes and children classes – a class for anyone and everyone.
“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15